Sunday, October 19, 2008

Busy October....

We've had a very busy October so far. Gwyn is crawling everywhere, pulling up, and cruisin' from coffee table to couch to wherever she can reach. I got her some "baby legs" because she had been crawling with one leg tucked underneath her and it would get red by the end of the day. Brian came home and said, "what are those?" I told him baby legs and he said they look more like chunk enhancers. They are pretty cute on her.

This is what Jacob was doing while I was trying to take some pictures of Gwyn. He never slows down, and I pretty much ALWAYS have to keep an eye on him! I'm told Brian was like this when he was little, and somehow I'm the one who's paying for it!
I've had a coulpe deja vu moments with Gwyn doing the same things that Jacob used to do. I just can't believe he's growing up so fast and that she's already 8 months old! She's already loving the dishwasher and her favorite toy is the music table we got for Jacob when he was 6 months old.

We had our friends Nick and Erika and their precious little boy Rafael in town for almost a week. Rafael loved following Jacob around, and Jacob loved someone he could boss around! We had Brad, Erika and Maddy over for the OSU vs Missouri football game, while Nick, Erika, and Rafael were here and it was a houseful of kids running around crazy. It was great fun because we won! Gwyn dressed up in a little OSU cheerleading outfit, she's already got the pose down. Maddy talks really well and loved bossing Jacob around!

Rick and Sue (Brian's parents) came down to visit for the weekend and they took the kids out to Dewberry Farm. We love having visitors because it means help with the kids and a break for us. They, of course, brought some presents from them and Stacy for Jacob and Gwyn. Jacob put his potato head together all by himself and he was so proud! Gwyn got a cute little purse with keys, a mirror, lipstick, and a she has some girl toys to play with instead of Jacob's trucks!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love your blog! It sounds like your family life is very busy! I laughed at the picture of Jacob climbing on top of the paper towels. Can't wait to see Halloween pictures!