Saturday, November 15, 2008

Jacob and his hat

Here is Gwyn and her baby doll. I didn't even notice, but it looks like they are dressed alike! I'm posting three videos this week since they seem to be popular. Trying to update this blog every weekend is good for me because it kind of makes me get both the camera and the video camera out and use them. I can get so busy and forget and realize I haven't taken any videos in months, and with Gwyn being so small she changes day to day! The kids are growing up so fast. Gwyn just turned 9 months and is already trying to walk behind push toys. Her favorite is Jacob's John Deere tractor, and it is now known as "baby's." Jacob will get it for her and then he gets the Home Depot big digger and shows her how to push it around.

Jacob is big into cooking with me, and he always has to have his apron on while cooking. This week we made homemade pizzas, and even though Jacob ate half the bag of pepperoni before we even put the pizza in the oven, we still managed to have enough for make dinner.

One funny thing that happened this week is that Jacob got a new stocking hat with a dog on it. He LOVES the hat. He wants to wear it everywhere, and he wore it to his preschool on Wednesday. I told him it would be hot inside, so he had better leave it in the car, so he took it off and we went inside. Well, another little boy had a cowboy hat on and when Jacob was walking in his teacher said, "that is a cool hat, David." (talking to the other little boy). Well, then Jacob lost it, and when I say lost it, I mean LOST it. He was pointing to his head and looking at me like the world was going to end. So, even though I was late for a dr's appointment, I go tramping back out to the car, retrieve the hat, and bring it back to him. He got the biggest smile on his face and said "mine." The teacher's gave me a look like I had saved their day, and of course he was still wearing the hat when I picked him up 4 hours later. Here he is, so proud of his hat...

Gwyn absolutely LOVES her big-brother Jacob. She follows him around everywhere, and he gets the biggest belly laughs out of her. She also likes her baby doll that Brian bought her. We've already lost the hat, but I'm sure it will turn up somewhere. Jacob is into putting things up, even where they don't go, so I'm constantly finding things in the bathroom or kitchen or toy box that belong somewhere else.

Oh, by the way, my outpatient ESWL procedure is scheduled for Wednesday. So, I should have my kidney stone blasted to pieces and be pain free! Be praying for me!


Erika said...

Phoebe....we'll be thinking of you this week! I love your comments this week...and I can hardly believe Gwyn is 9 months old already!!! The story of Jacob, the hat, and school is PRICELESS!!! Hopefully we can see you all soon! Much love!

Erika and Nick said...

I love the hat and baby doll photos! The videos are so sweet! Love you and will be thinking about you!
love, ERIKA

The Sheltons said...

What a cutie Jacob is in his hat! And Gwyn's smile in the apple video is fantastic.