Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Happy Birthday Gwyn!

We celebrated Gwyn's first birthday in Tulsa over the weekend. She looked really cute in her hot pink tutu and you could tell she knew the day was all about her by the way she was acting. She was dancing in front of everyone, running around, laughing, and really enjoying being the center of attention.

She is a Daddy's girl...

She loves strawberries, so we put one on top of her smash cake. She didn't really dive into her cake like Jacob did at his first birthday, she was kind of dainty about it, but did manage to get a little of it everywhere.
It was so nice having family around to celebrate such a big milestone. I still can't believe it has already been a year. I remember the night before we went into the hospital, Brian stayed up all night long, he couldn't go to sleep. We went to the hospital and I was so nervous, much more than with Jacob, I guess because I knew going into it that it was going to be c-section and that scared me. Everything went so well, and she was born at 7:56 am on February 7th (my mom's birthday too!). We didn't know whether she was a girl or a boy, and you should have heard how excited Brian was when he announced "It's a Girl!" She was such a beautiful baby, and she's turning into a beautiful little girl. Since she started walking at 10 1/2 months, she's already running. She is a joy and we've been truly blessed by her.

Anyway, the day was great, although we did have a couple of short meltdowns...

Jacob had a great time at the party...Brian's Uncle Curt came down with Brian's grandpa from Kansas City and brought a gift for Jacob too. It was Handy Manny, which Jacob watches every morning and he LOVED it! Good job Curt and Jan, it was so sweet of you guys to think of Jacob!

1 comment:

Paul and Sabrina said...

Too cute!! I can't believe Gwyn is a year old. Time flies.