Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Jacob and Gwyn

Jacob is starting to do some really funny things. He gets in trouble for pushing the buttons on the stereo equipment, so today he was taking Gwyn's fingers and having her push the buttons. I asked him who turned the stereo on and he said it was her, and then I watched what he did again. He thinks he's pretty slick. I picked him up from school today and his teacher told me that somehow he got his socks and shoes and diaper (he left his pants on) off on the playground, and then he peed, so they had to change his clothes. Even his socks were soaked. I guess you've got to be pretty talented to get your diaper off with your pants still on. His feet were all dirty from playing without his shoes on, I asked him why he took his pants off and he said he had to pee pee. He's missing the concept of having to get your pants off and be in the bathroom. He's become a big meat eater, which has been really nice. He has always been so picky about eating, but he's finally started eating pretty much whatever we are eating, so thank goodness I'm not preparing him something different every night.

Gwyn, however, eats everything, and I do mean everything. I was filling out her baby book, and I couldn't find anything to write under foods she dislikes. She loves guacamole, and her new favorite is McDonald's cheeseburgers. She hightails it to the refrigerator whenever someone opens it up, and if she hears a wrapper crackling she is on you. She is just so cute, she got another tooth this week, and her smile is just precious. The kids play in the front yard while I load up the car in the mornings, and the other day she fell in the grass...her shoe came off and her bow came out. She immediately got up, grabbed the shoe with one hand and the bow with the other, and brought them over to me to put them both back on her. She REALLY loves shoes. She wants to have them on all the time.

Both kids love to play with Brian. He's so good with them, and they are pretty much all over him from the time he walks in the door until the time we get them ready for bed.

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