Saturday, February 21, 2009

We love this weather!

The weather here in Houston has been fantastic (I like using that word and saying it like my friend Emily's husband, Nick, who is from Chicago), I guess it is more liike fantaaaaastic! We're enjoying playing outside and having fun at the parks.

Gwyn is doing well, her stitches came out on Tuesday and her little finger is healing nicely. Her finger nail is in the process of falling off, so hopefully that new nail will be growing right behind it.

We have a new ipod player for the kitchen, and the kids just love to dance. We loaded some cds that John and Claudia had sent the kids, nursery rhymes and bible songs personalized with their names in it. One of them says, how old are you Jacob, and Jacob will answer 2! from whereever he is in the room. He loves the wheels on the bus and asks for that one to basically be put on repeat, which I only last a couple of times before I'm going nuts. We've also learned he knows all these moves to "This little light of mine, I'm going to let it shine.!" There is this part where it says don't let Satan blow it out, and he blows and then yells NO! It is hilarious, I know he learns those songs at his preschool when he goes to chapel and it is just fun knowning that he is retaining it. He also knows ALL the moves to The Wheels on the Bus, ones I didn't even know. Here is a picture of Jacob showing off his moves:

Brian and I had a great time with friends on Friday night. The kids did great with a babysitter that we have from church (she watches Gwyn in the nursery during my Bible Study).
Happy Birthday to my friend Lindsee, Stacy, Emily's daughter Grace (turning 2), and Neely's daughter Catherine (turning 1)!! We love you!

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