Sunday, March 1, 2009

March is here!

I can't believe March is here, I'll be 30 in 9 more days!!! Even though this month means I'll be leaving my 20s behind, it should be a great month. We plan to go strawberry picking next weekend, spend Sunday afternoons at Discovery Green park downtown for the farmers market and "Sundays in the Park" which has a live band, Jacob will have Spring Break, my mom is coming to visit for 5 days at the end of March, and this weather here in Houston is so awesome that we'll be spending LOTS of time outside!

This is the only picture this week where I have captured Jacob looking at the camera and smiling. He is either too busy or runs off and thinks it is a funny game. We did go to the bike store on Friday, and Jacob hopped up on a little bike with training wheels and over a period of 15 minutes he really got pedalling. We were super excited and can't wait to try it out on his trike at home, but it was a big chilly yesterday...maybe this afternoon. He also learned to climb the rock wall on his swingset that Brian built, I couldn't believe he was like Spiderman scaling up it all by himself.

Here is Gwyn in her is actually Jacob's car, but she drives it ALL the time. If you ever can't find her in the house, go look in the playroom and you'll find her in the car, because that is where she sneaks off to by herself. Jacob has even shown her how to buckle herself in, and she does, everytime!
This is a picture at Terry Hershey Park, we meet Brian there for lunch on Tuesdays. Both kids hardly eat any lunch because they are always too excited to run around and feed the ducks (we feed them the kid's lunch that they didn't eat).
I had to put this picture on here even though I sent it out to many people this last week, I just can't believe how grown up she is, and she is turning in to the cutest little girl! We all love her so much!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aww, I love the pictures of Jacob and Gwyn. You can really see alot of you in that picture of Jacob. What a stud muffin he is!