Monday, October 5, 2009

Busy, busy, busy

This week has been a busy week and weekend, we had a Mad Science birthday party which was fun, and Jacob got to make some slime and watch some cool experiments with dry ice. Brian worked on Gwyn's furniture for her room, I cleaned the house (this is a daily thing that you can never tell that I do!), Brian and I were able to go watch Jason play at a theater downtown, I took the kids to my bible study and to MOPS this week.
It was Clifford day at school, they made little dog ears and had to bring pictures of their pets or pictures of pets they would like to have. Jacob took pictures of some frogs and a lizard he (or I should say, Claudia) caught in Florida. I peeked me head in at the end of the class and Jacob was standing in the middle of the circle telling his class all about his frogs and lizards and how he caught them, it was pretty cute.
Brian takes Jacob to Tadpoles (a thing at church on Wednesday nights for Dads and 3-6 yr olds), this week he was in charge of craft, I tried to talk him into doing volcanos...which I tried out on Carter and Jacob, but he decided to do paper bag puppets which was a huge hit.
Here is a picture of Gwyn from the snake party last week that a friend of mine took.
We went to our Sunday school class picnic at a great park in Katy, the kids had so much fun and the weather was so pictures, sorry. We are getting ready for this baby, I am slowly making some progress on "nesting" and getting some cleaning done that needs to be done. I've started to pack a bag for the is getting close now...22 more days!

1 comment:

The Sheltons said...

So how much did you end up having to buy for the puppets? Ha, ha. Glad they enjoyed it. We did the volcano thing for my parents, and he loved it again.