Friday, March 19, 2010

Spring Break Week

Spring Break week was alot of fun, but somehow the only one worn out is me! We started the week off with 3 hours at Chuck E Cheese, which I had been reminded about daily from Jacob that we hadn't been there in a "long, long time!" We met some friends there and sadly, Gwyn has learned the funnest part of the game is putting in the tokens and then walking off, but 3 hours and $30 later, we did manage to walk out of there with a mini tootsie pop for both kids, a plastic spider for Jacob, and a pink princess ring for Gwyn. When we got home later, Jacob asked if we could go again after dinner! Jacob thought air hockey was the greatest game, although he was cheering everytime I scored a point on him! Thankfully Annie spent about 1 hour of the time riding around in the carrier asleep, so I was able to chase after Jacob and Gwyn.

Tuesday was rainy and muggy, so we spent the day at home having fun...even snacktime can turn into playtime. Here is what Jacob and Gwyn did when I set them up with a snack while I went to feed Annie...also note that unpopped popcorn kernels REALLY hurt when you step on them on a wood floor. I also put in that picture of Jacob making Annie smile...he says she really likes him!
Wednesday we spent playing at a really nice park in Katy, here are Jacob and Gwyn having fun. I also learned that it is a BAD idea to dress your kids in green when going to a busy playground on St. Pats day during Spring Break...too many kids running around in green about gave me a heart attack trying to keep up with them. Jacob was given an assignment to watch out for Gwyn, and he did a pretty good job. He said he was watching out, so that no kids were mean to Gwynnie.
Annie rode around with Mommy and had a pretty good time:

Later that night, green waffles for dinner...Gwyn like hers with alot of butter!
Thursday we pretty much just played at the house, and took a trip over to Jason's apartment. The kids love going over there, he has several kids shows taped for them, and they usually eat him out of all his snacks...I think they polished off half a box of wheat thins while we were there! Of course, everyday ends with playtime outside with Daddy!

On Friday, Brian got off early, so we took the kids to the Houston LiveStock Show and Rodeo...we didn't stay for the rodeo, just took part in the carnival and animals. Here are the kids testing out some of the John Deere tractors:
They thought Daddy was so cool when he won this enormous dog for them (the thing sheds like crazy, so I'm sure it will end up in the trash very soon), but look at Jacob's face! He was so proud of his Daddy! It reminded me of when I was little and my Dad won two dolls at bingo and I took one to show and tell in Kindegarten and told everyone how my dad was so good at bingo!
Here they are with some cows...when I told Gwyn we were going to the rodeo I told her she could see some pigs and she said "and dinosaurs?" I don't think she was disappointed even though they didn't have any dinosaurs.

Well, that about sums up our week. We did have to fill out paperwork for the kids' preschool next year. I filled out Jacob's and Brian filled out Gwyn's. It asked for talents on Jacob's and I put "he runs super fast." On Gwyn's, he put that her talent was that she had x-ray vision (I'm sure they will be entertained by her application), and on listing her fears he had to put Santa Clause and Chuck E Cheese.

Every night when we put Jacob to bed we had been telling stories about when he was a baby or when he and Gwyn were babies, but we ran out of stories having done this for about a year now. The new thing is that Jacob tells Brian his favorite and least favorite parts of his day. This is pretty entertaining....some of his favorite things have been playing with Gwynnie, when Gwynnie chased him, green waffles for dinner, etc. Some of his least favorite things have been when it rained outside and he couldn't play outside, when Gwyn bit him on the finger, or when Gwyn hit him. He's such a sweet little boy, and he prays right before bed and he prays for all of his family, and that he would get to watch some kids' shows!

1 comment:

Erika said...

Phoebe...reading your blog always make me so happy!!! I love you all and I adore watching the kids grow up (too fast!!!) and Bryan are one blessed couple!!! Love ya! Glad you had a great spring break...I'll call you when we get back from Vegas!!!