Sunday, March 28, 2010

We've got a yeller...

This past week, Annie turned 5 months old. She now does a number of fun things: yells (and I do mean loud!), she rolls all the way over like crazy, she is working on sitting up and doing quite well, although the nose dives happen quite frequently, she belly laughs (but only at Jacob) and she has started sitting in her highchair when she eats her cereal once / day. Here she is at 5 months, and again I pulled Jacob and Gwyn's pictures out when they were 5 months so we can see how much they look alike, or don't!
Annie @ 5 months:
Jacob @ 5 months:
Gwyn @ 5 months:
It was green day at Jacob's school this past week, and we take the color green very serious around here. Jacob decked himself out in his Handy Manny underwear (green), green pants, his favorite Hulk green shirt, and his shoes even had green on them. Needless to say it was his favorite color, but of course since Jacob said it was green day, that meant it was for Gwyn too.

We broke down and went to Pei Wei after church on Sunday because Jacob is asking constantly about going to "that place where you eat the chicken with the sticks." I've got to give it to him, he can put down an entire order of honey seared chicken by himself, and impressively he uses the chopsticks as well!
Poor Gwyn had to have several breathing treatments this week, she caught a cold (and gave it to Annie a few days later, and then to Jacob a few days after that, so one cold lasts us at least 2 weeks around here!). Anyway, her colds sometimes go straight to her lungs and thankfully she is doing much better, but it just breaks my heart when I see her weezing and it being so hard for her to breathe. Hopefully, she will grow out of this and it won't be asthma.
I did get pulled over by a cop the other day for speeding, I was going 62 in a 50 on this wide stretch of road and honestly I didn't know the speed limit and had no idea what I was going. Needless to say, it was really nice to have two screaming girls in the back seat that day, the cop let me off with a warning, so thank you Gwyn and Annie for saving me a couple of hundred $$! On another note, I will watch my speed more closely, I have precious cargo I'm hauling around!

Oh and when I mentioned that Annie yells, she does. At church, I had fed Annie and then gave her back to the nursery worker, I then walked out to use the restroom and peek my head in to check on Jacob and Gwyn and I can hear her yelling in the hall (yes it is weird, I can tell it is my yelling or crying child from a ways away). I go back in, and she is sitting in the exersaucer and yelling at this toy, then she would hit it with her hand, smile, then yell. The nursery worker told me at first they thought she didn't like being in there, but then they saw she liked it, she just likes to yell when she plays. Great! That is just what our house needed was a yeller at an incredibly high octave! She fits right in!!! I told Brian the other day that I would really hate having a conversation with me, the kids are loud and I can never really finish a sentence, and now we've got a baby who likes to yell for fun!!

Here are a couple of random pictures...Jacob in a variety of dress-ups...spiderman, batman's belt, and a racecar driver vest??
Precious little Gwyn is so sweet!
Brian gave Annie her first taste of lemon when we met him for lunch when Jacob was in school on Friday, she sucked nearly all the juice of it out...can you believe she liked it???

1 comment:

Erika said...

Love the pics and the green day story Phoebe!!! We need to hit the beach soon...oh, and Maddy loved lemons when she was Annie's age too...hugs from all of us! Maddy misses everyone!