Wednesday, June 15, 2011


We have been LIVING in the pool this past week.  We are going through sunscreen like crazy, but still the kids have gotten some pretty good tan lines.  Annie’s legs are all tan and then she has this white little toosh, so cute!  We have started our twice / week swim lessons, and the kids are doing great!  Jacob is working on the backstroke and Gwyn is doing surprisingly well.  I was a little nervous since she wouldn't wear goggles, and would have one of her freak-out episodes if water was splashed in her face, but Rachael got her to wear her goggles and has her kicking her feet and is actually getting close to swimming!!  I could not believe how well she is doing.  When she came inside, she wanted to see if I was going to tell Daddy how good she did.  Poor little Annie is a distraction and a handful when the kids are doing lessons, and throws a little fit when the kids get to go outside to do their lessons, she even brings me over her swimsuit when I'm getting the kids dressed.  I've started pulling a chair over for her to watch out the window.
We went up to the neighborhood pool with some friends and took a trip to Noah's Ark this past week.  Both places had a slide and diving board, and Jacob slowly worked up the courage to do both.  After he tried them out, he did not want to leave and is asking to go back.  

Here is a video of him jumping off:

Gwyn had such a great time, I think she went down this slide about 100 times...she really went up and down it the entire 2 hours that we were there.
Little Annie likes to swim, but also likes to watch, she's just too cute in her little swimsuit:)
Rick and Brian's Grandpa came into town last week.  They took the kids and Brian's cousin Angie to the Cardinals baseball game...everyone was in their red shirts.  Gwyn had her red shirt picked out about 4 days in advance when I told her she was going to go to the game.  Jacob made sure to tell her she didn't have a Cardinals shirt, it was just a red shirt, but his had the baseball team on it...brothers!  I had texted Brian to check on the kids at one point and he texted me back letting me know that the kids had eaten hot dogs, skittles, peanuts, popcorn, lemonade, and ice cream...they went to bed that night at 10:30 and STILL got up at 6:20 the next morning!  

This past weekend, I went on a mini weekend get-a-way to Dallas.  I got to spend some time with Emily and Neely.  It was so nice to catch up, oh, how I've missed them both!!  I got to see sweet little Grace and Sadie, who are growing up too fast!  We got to go to dinner, do some shopping, have some much needed time at the spa, and mostly talk:) With me being gone, Brian, Rick and his Grandpa took care of the kids from Friday around noon to Sunday around 2 pm.  I have a friend that lives around the corner that told me that she drove by a couple of times during the weekend and each time there was a flurry of activity going on outside...they kept the kids busy they didn't even ask for me!  I told Brian that since he handled it so well, that I could probably do that once / month...he didn't think that was funny!

We have been having a great summer.  It has been nice to not have things scheduled every single day, and we are enjoying just hanging out together.  I can't believe this is the last summer we'll have with Jacob before he officially starts school!  The kids have so much fun together.  Annie LOVES to be pushed around in this little doll stroller.  They use it so much that the little wheels are turned inward from the excess weight of Annie vs a baby doll.  Annie thinks it is great, and wants them to go fast.  She'll start to cry and whine when they stop.  

I had brought home Jacob some monster stickers from my trip...he made this picture and I think used the entire package of stickers in about 15 wonder we can't keep stickers in the house!  I bought a 3 pack of tape at Target yesterday and you should have seen the looks on the kids faces when I gave them their own tape was like Christmas!!
 Sweet little sisters:

Here is a video of the girls dancing, we dance just about every single day.  I cook dinner and turn on the music, and the kids get CRAZY!!

Funny things the kids said this week:

Gwyn to Jacob:  Whatever! (Seriously, it has started already??)
Jacob as we are driving in the neighborhood:  Mommy, I just saw two houses for sale.  Nana and Papa and G and Grandpa could buy those and then they would live close to us.
Phoebe:  You’ll have to tell them about that.
Gwyn:  I have a boy named Charlie in my class, he is not a squirrel. (they had named the squirrel Papa caught for them Charlie)
Gwyn:  When I grow up, I want to be a sof a ball player like you Mommy.
Jacob: Mommy, if it rains jelly beans will you let us go outside and play in it?
Me:  Yes, I can honestly say that if it ever rains jelly beans, I’ll let you play in it as long as you want.
Gwyn:  Jacob, if a bee comes close to you, you just sing “shoo fly don’t bother me”  They don’t like that.
Gwyn when she wants a snack:  I'm hungry, but not for dinner.  
Gwyn when she wants another snack:  I'm hungry still.  That snack didn't make me not hungry.
Gwyn:  Can we do it just a little bit tiny?  (she uses "a little bit tiny" all the time, it is hilarious!)

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