Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Lil' Annie Bananie

Sweet baby Annie is so much fun!  We love to squeeze her soft little thighs and make her laugh.  She is starting to talk so much.  She tells Brian to “tickle” and then she’ll laugh and then say “top it.”  Then she’ll ask him to tickle her some more.  She can say so many words now.  She says Jacob plain as day,  but still calls Gwyn “Sissy.”  She loves beanie babies…we’ve got an abundance of stuffed animals around here, but she’s particularly attached to this little puppy, Tracker.

This poor little dog has been taken everywhere, in the car, outside, been dipped in the pool, etc.  Tracker has become accustomed to the washer and dryer!
My mom flew back in on Thursday and stayed the weekend, and then  both Nana and Papa drove back to Oklahoma on Sunday.  We had a great visit, and the kids are asking every day about going to Oklahoma this summer to visit everyone.  Jacob is convinced that Papa is superfast and can catch lizards and squirrels.  Dad took them on a walk one morning and they say a squirrel, and Jacob turned to Gwyn and told her to stay back so that Papa could catch it.  Well, Dad came through when he set up a trap with some corn and caught a squirrel.  Jacob totally freaked he was so excited!  We named him Charlie, and we did let him go after about 30 minutes. 

Even though Brian was still sick and recovering, we were able to do a crawfish boil.  We had 15 lbs, so with the extra crawfish we peeled, we had a crawfish pie the next day.  Jacob LOVES to pick up the crawfish, Annie likes to look from a distance, and Gwyn wants nothing to do with them!
Crawfish boil:
Nana and Gwyn:

Summer has definetly started, as we’ve seen a few weeks in the upper 90s and we’ve hit 100 at least twice.  Swim lessons start this week and Jacob’s second reading class starts this week as well.  Our days are quickly filling with playdates, swimming, park days, splash pad days, popscicles, and this week Rick and Brian’s Grandpa are in for a few days.  The kids are getting super excited, and Gwyn went and got her “ballgame” red shirt out about 4 days ahead of time in preparation for the Cardinals/Astros game tomorrow night.  The kids have been going this week to a little half day preschool camp at Gwyn’s new preschool that she’ll be attending in the Fall.  I thought it would be good for her to go to the school with Jacob a few times before she went there in the Fall by herself.  She LOVED school last year, and would even be upset when Jacob went on Tuesdays and Thursdays and she didn’t get to go.  The school seems awesome, and this week they did a little cooking school, which the kids loved!  I told Jacob maybe he could start cooking the dinner and doing the dishes, and he said, “OK!!” Gwyn was not in the mood for her picture to be taken!
 When the cats away, little Annie will play with Jacob's chefs hat:
Here is a video from the other night:

Summer fun, staying up later and watching Kung Fu Panda with popcorn (notice Jacob was still not feeling the greatest, we’re ready for this summer flu/virus to be gone from this house!):
 Silly little Gwyn:
 Funny things the kids said this week:

Gwyn (twirling a belt with Brian):  Come on Annie, try to jump rope!
Me:  We better let the squirrel go, it might be a mommy squirrel and need to go feed her babies up in a tree.
Gwyn:  It is not a girl squirrel.  It doesn’t have any eyebrows or eyelashes.
Jacob (after the crawfish was cooked):  Daddy!!!  I just saw one move!!!

1 comment:

Lindsee said...

Phoebe, your Dad is so cool!