Wednesday, June 29, 2011

How I survive the summer :)

Jacob actually did this to himself, and I thought it was just too funny because my immediate thought was, “what a great idea!”  Ha, just kidding, I LOVE my kids:J  What a fantastic week we have had!  We have had swim lessons, a few days of Vacation Bible School, from which the kids and I have been jamming in the car to a great cd to which the kids know all the hand motions to, swim lessons, playdates, swimming, a birthday party to see Cars 2, a birthday party at Chuck E Cheese, and a weekend with Sue! 

Jacob, Gwyn and I went to my friend Julie’s son birthday party to see the 3D movie of Cars 2…this was much anticipated, and we were excited.  We had to get a sitter for Annie because she doesn’t “do” sitting still for 2 hours in the dark and being quiet.  Jacob never took his eyes off the screen, and didn’t move the entire movie.  Gwyn got a little restless towards the end and ended up sleeping on my lap for the last half hour. 

 Here are all the kids from my little group of Mom…can’t believe how fast everyone is growing up!
Sue came in Friday night and flew back to Tulsa on Tuesday night.  The kids had a great time spending time with their G.  She taught Jacob how to sew, he even thread his own needle...a real one!  Gwyn likes to play musical chairs and make up rules as she goes along, play Elijah, Elijah, fire (very similar to duck, duck, goose), and make up games.  Her funniest game that had Brian, Sue and I on the flooring laughing was a game where you had to say something to Gwyn, and if she liked what you said, then you got to go sit by her.  Sue also watched the kids for us, so Brian and I could get a night out to go to Jason's dinner party, which was awesome!
  Jacob (especially) and Gwyn are big into crafts these days.  We took a trip to Hobby Lobby, and Sue let the kids stock up on some new crafts…here are their hats they made:

Annie didn’t decorate hers, she thought it was much more fun to pull off all the stickers from Jacob and Gwyn’s hats.
It is getting HOT here in Houston…we are swimming almost every single day.  Jacob is getting to be a stronger swimmer every day, he is ALL over the pool.  In and out, from one end to the other, he’s all over the place.  He’s working on side breathing during freestyle and backstroke. 
 He's just getting so big...he's always walking around with a water squirter...BEWARE!
Gwyn is getting much braver with her new goggles, she’s working on front floating, back floating and swimming underwater…I’d love for her to be able to swim by the end of the summer!
Annie is just working on bossing people around.  She wants in the floatie, she wants out.  She wants to swim with me, she wants to swim with Brian, she wants to swim with Sue.  She wants to get on the steps, she wants to spin around in circles.  She is a bit high maintenance in the pool right now!
Sue also brought down lots of fun things for the kids, Annie was particularly interested in the chapstick that Sue gave her.  She smelled like strawberry chapstick for a couple of days because she would rub it ALL over her face and then she would dig it out with her finger and eat it, ha!
Maddy had a little birthday party at Chuck E Cheese on Monday, so the kids and I went and gave Sue a little break to eat lunch with Brian.  The kids had a great time and got a record 270 tickets!  We walked out of there with 3 pieces of candy and 3 toys that I think broke before we even got home.  Jacob and Maddy had fun together.  They are 3 weeks apart, used to have weekly playdates when they were 1 month old, and now they are starting Kindergarten in the Fall!!
 We learned that Gwyn's fear of Chuck E Cheese has NOT gotten any better!
 Annie likes to people watch.
Funny things the kids said this week:

Jacob:  Why is Annie the only one who gets to eat chapstick?  (Uh, do you really want to eat it??)
Jacob (while practicing his reading):  I really like words that only have one letter like a or I, those are really easy.
Jacob:  How did you find Daddy to marry?
Me:  God showed me that Daddy was the one.
Jacob:  Okay.
Jacob:  Why do adults not cry and fuss when they get shots?
The dermatologist to Jacob:  Are you going to be a doctor when you grow up?
Jacob:  No, I'm going to be a baseball player.

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