Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Jazzy Bugs Dance Recital

Gwyn’s “Jazzy Bugs” dance class had a recital this past week.  Brian was able to make it, and has a new appreciation for me going every week and having to chase after Annie.  I will admit she was extra uncontrollable this week, since all the parents/siblings went into the gym to watch the recital, and Annie had access to all the fun gymnastics mats/equipment.  Gwyn looked so cute, and she did so well!  I thought for sure since she hasn’t practiced at all, that she would just stand there, but she was trying to do exactly what the instructor was showing her.  It was precious!  Here are some videos and pictures from the day:

Jacob had two great life events of the week.  1) he found a bat in the backyard (this was such a HUGE deal, he was so excited about it).  We had to call Brian at work, send pictures out to people we knew, etc.  It did eventually fly away, hopefully far, far awayJ
2) He attended a shoe tying class at Nordstroms.  Yes, go ahead and laugh, I did at first when my friend Julie told me she was signing her daughter up, but then a light bulb popped up in my head and I thought, if he can learn to tie his shoes in an hour, then my life will be much easier (again, 3 kids in 3 years and 3 months allows you to take certain short-cuts)!  Well, I won’t say he has it down, he’s pretty close, and he did have fun.  He is still practicing. 

Nana and Papa have come to visit us!  Mom flew back out on Memorial Day and will fly back down on Thursday and drive back with Dad after the weekend.  It has been nice having them visit, the kids love being with them.  Annie will even run to Nana instead of me, she knows who she can take advantage of!  Jacob and Gwyn have had fun going on walks with Papa, riding bikes up to the park and playing, swimming, looking for bugs, etc. 

While my parents were here, we had a belated celebration of Jason’s 34th Birthday…he gets plenty of help with candles, and Gwyn prayed later that night for getting to help blow out the candles and eat Jason’s special cookies. 
Those special cookies are called macrons…a new delicious discovery we have made, they are awesome!
Our week was filled with lots of fun.  We were able to babysit precious little Camryn, my friend Lindsee’s baby.  Annie actually did quite well, she might be getting over this “baby hating” stage!  We went to a splash pad with a group of friends on Thursday of last week.  The kids have so much fun at those things, except Annie who is more content eating snacks the entire time and not getting wet!  The kids also had their last Tadpoles night of the year at Chuck E Cheese.  They were so excited, but after they were done at Chuck E Cheese, Gwyn asked if they were going to Tadpoles now.  Brian had to explain that they went to Chuck E Cheese to celebrate the last night of Tadpoles, so that is why there were other Tadpoles kids and Dads there.  She didn’t get it.  We also swam I think 6 of the last 7 days…we are getting out money out of our pool!

Annie has continued her ornery ways…this past week if she has gotten out of my sight, then I know to go in and look on the computer.  She likes to climb up in the chair and push all the buttons possible before I catch her, then she laughs.  She also discovered that I put a bag of m&ms in the napkin basket, and I found her on several occasions having pushed a chair over to the counter, used the chair to climb up onto the counter and dig into the basket for some m&ms.  She is now officially at the table, and the high chair is over with, WHOOO HOOO!  I have seriously considered setting it on fire in the driveway, but I’ve offered to give it to a family at church who have just moved back from overseas.  Here she is walking around in Jacob's light up sketchers:

Jacob has been at it again with my cell phone camera, and has recently discovered how to switch it to video as well.  I have endless amounts of videos of him wiggling his foot, or getting Gwyn to wiggle her foot, not sure what the fascination is with that, but if anyone wants some unsteady video footage of feet, we’ve got you covered.  Here are some of the pictures he has taken in the last week:

Funny things the kids said this week:

Gwyn (after I explained she got different parts of her body from me and from Brian):  And I got my earrings from you Mommy!
Jacob:  Why do you and Daddy just have plain old white sheets?
Me:  It is just the kind that we have, what kind do you think we should have?
Jacob:  Star Wars sheets, like me!
Gwyn:  If you talk mean, no one wants to help you.

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