Sunday, March 25, 2012

1st Baseball Game

Jacob had his first baseball game this past week, it was so much fun to watch.  Brings back lots of memories of being at the ball field, and I can only imagine what our lives will be like when all three kids are in sports and activities at the same time.  This week we've got two practices and two games, just for Jacob!  We are fortunate to be on a team with some great families, and all the younger siblings run around and play together.  It is hard to be able to watch the game and watch the girls, but this week Rick and Sue were in town, so that was nice...I got to watch at least one of Jacob's at bats...he got two hits!
I almost didn't get this picture above, the ball is in the air and he hit the first pitch!  My camera zoom worked pretty well to get a couple of him on base and in the field:

Precious little Gwyn's favorite game right now is memory, and she is crazy good at it.  She beats me, Brian, and Jacob all the time, but she's so sweet and will give us some matches so that we will win some games too.  At times I think she isn't paying attention, but she is, and she amazingly remembers where the cards are!  We are playing with Jacob's superhero game, so I think for Easter I'll get her a "girly" memory game.  She always says, "good game" to whoever she is playing, whether she wins or sweet!
Love my baby Annie, who gets to stay the baby so much longer than Jacob or Gwyn did.  Annie isn't quite 2 1/2, and when Jacob and Gwyn were both that age they had a 1 year old sibling!
Gwyn's school took pictures of the kids during Rodeo day, she's the cutest little cowgirl around...she will tell you that that is a REAL rope!
Perfect weather outside for us this weekend, Brian worked all day Saturday (a rare day that we didn't have something going on) on the cabinets for the bathroom which are coming along great, I just can't wait!  The kids played outside for most of the day, and they had a picnic lunch in the shade.  Jacob got to go with Brian bowling with some of the other Kindergarten dads and their boys.  He had a great time, and loves hanging out with his Dad!
The kids discovered they can climb our little tree on the side of the yard...poor tree!
The pool looks awesome, crystal clear and warming up by the day...Brian said he and Jacob are getting in on Saturday...I'm going to have to wait until it is a little warmer, and I'm guessing the girls will as well:)
We've been walking up to school to get Jacob once / week until it gets too hot, and Rick and Sue got to go with us this week.  Gwyn usually rides with Annie in the double stroller and we bring Jacob's scooter along, but this time, Gwyn rode her scooter up as well.

It was nice to be back to normal this week from Spring Break.  Jacob did go to the dentist, and has a small cavity.  He's loved the dentist so far, but I'm just not sure how he is going to feel about it once he has to get numbed next week...those Bernstein Bears books about going to the dentist I think have scared him more than helped him!!

Funny things the kids said this week:
Brian to Annie:  Come here, I'll change your diaper.
Annie:  There's some poop in there.
Brian:  I can smell it, but thanks for the warning.
Annie (about 20 times/day):  Watch me Mommy!
Me to Jacob:  Get off that, I don't want you falling and hurting yourself.
Jacob:  I have excellent balance, Mommy.
Gwyn:  Mommy, when Jacob says, "good game" after we play memory, he says it really quiet. (that's because he's so competitive and hates losing, especially to his little sister!)

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