Monday, April 9, 2012

Sea World and Easter!

 What a fun last week we have had!  We took a quick trip over to Sea World since everyone was off of school and work for Good Friday...we were planning to do this over Spring Break, but Brian couldn't get away from work.  We started off the 3 hour drive to San Antonio, with the kids asking "are we there yet" from about 10 minutes into the trip all the way there, asking every 10 minutes or so!  It was Gwyn and Annie's first time in a hotel, but Jacob had stayed in one for the trip to Maine when he was 14 months old...he acted like he was big stuff because he had done it before, but really it was his first time too since of course he couldn't remember it.  This might have been the highlight of the trip, they just couldn't believe that our room had two beds that we got to sleep in, two phones, and free pads of paper and pens (which all got used, they drew pictures and wrote notes to each other).  Here they are after we gave them a bath.  Brian drew the short straw and got to sleep with Annie, who turns around like a helicopter all night kicking you in the face:
 Jacob wrote this note to us, such a sweet boy:
 After a not so rested nights sleep...everyone was up due to Annie before 5 am, they were all using their electric toothbrushes that I brought them for the trip by 5:10 am...Brian and I were just laying there trying to act like we were asleep so they would go back to sleep, and we hear this rrrrrrrrrrrrr sound of their electric tooth brushes, nice!  The kids loved Sea World, especially the rides for the little kids:
 Sweet little sisters rode together!
 Jacob feeding some ducks:
 Gwyn and Annie checking the ducks out:
 Gwyn posing:
 Annie enjoying some dip n of the best inventions ever!!
 Amazing how still she will sit when she wants a butterfly painted on her face:
 My cute little butterfly:
 Of course Jacob picked a full-face Loch Ness monster design:
 Annie, who has dropped her nap over the last two weeks decided that she needed a nap while walking around with sweet!
 Another pic of Jacob:
 Sweet little Gwyn:
 A motley crew...this was before the water ride:
 All the kids loved the Shamu show...Jacob wanted me to take pictures every time any of the whales jumped or came up for a picture...these are a few of the MANY I have:

 Here is a video, and evidence of why you do not pay $15/face painting BEFORE you go on a water ride:

Gwyn really wanted to go on the ride, until the top, and then she screamed in sheer terror, poor thing, and they were on the front row!

Easter was nice, we went to church, to brunch, and then hunted eggs with our neighbors...I couldn't get a picture of all three of them.  Here Jacob was trying to get them to look at me, Gwyn was smiling as usual for the camera, and Annie as usual was displaying some attitude:
 Before the egg hunt:
 LOVED this picture of Annie...we color coded the eggs, so they would each get the same amount...although a squirrel got into some of them that we had to throw out.
 Jacob with his eggs:
 Gwyn hunting for eggs:
 Gwyn also had an Easter party up at her school.  Annie got to go with me, and I do believe she is ready for school because she wanted nothing to do with the snack (and for her to turn down a juice box is really unheard of), and all she wanted to do is play with things in Gwyn's classroom:
 Little "teacher assistant" Gwyn, helped the other kids count out their eggs.  They were limited to 12, so she told one friend to go pick up two more, one to put two back, and one to go get three more.  Little bossy pants is in her element at school!!
 I took the girls to lunch at the Brookwood community center, they loved it, although Gwyn apparently got a mosquito bite right when I took this picture, which was tremendous DRAMA right after I took this:
 Gwyn got a feather (on a clip) at Brookwood, she loves it.  I think she sees older girls wearing them and thinks she is pretty cool stuff:
 Little ornery Annie...she refuses to nap, she stays upstairs for awhile and gets into stuff and then comes down and exclaims, "I didn't close my eyes!"  This week she has gotten into some blue paint, tried to paint her own fingernails, pulled out an entire thing of floss, loaded a toilet with toilet paper and flushable wipes, gotten into some gum, eaten Easter candy that she wasn't supposed to, eaten Gwyn's chapstick, squirted out Gwyn's lip gloss all over herself, among other things.  She is giving me grey hair!!  I had to take a picture of her after I found her finally asleep after a week of not napping, of course she fell asleep about 10 minutes  before I had to leave to go pick up Gwyn!
 Best errand to run ever...the Apple Store, everyone had their own ipad!!

Funny things the kids said:
Annie (while watching Brian build a Lego tower):  You do a good job Daddy, high five!
Jacob to Gwyn (I love their conversations):  You don't like eyeballs?  They are very important!
Me to Annie:  You're such a big girl now, no more pacis at bedtime.
Annie:  I just sleep with my mouth.
Jacob:  This is the best day in my whole life!
Annie (after I told her how cute her little baby legs were):  I not have baby legs, I have big legs!

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