Sunday, April 22, 2012

Little boys = baseballs busting out windows

 We’ve had lots of baseball this week, two games and a practice on Sunday.  Jason came back to hang out after the game on Saturday and everyone was outside playing more baseball.  Jason was pitching, Jacob hitting, and Brian fielding, and what do we hear….CRASH!  Jacob broke our bedroom window, oh the joys of having a little boy!  Earlier this week he was playing next door outside, and he almost threw it in one of our neighbors windows, and I jokingly told him that if you are going to break a window, you better break mine since we have the original 1964 windows on our house…sure enough, he did!


 We are loving baseball, so much fun to watch…even for Gwyn and Annie who have recently discovered ring pops, can you please these are now $1 each?!?!  I remember when they were $0.25!

Jacob's baseball pictures, he's so cute!
 Jacob’s school celebrated Earth Day with picnics with the parents, so Annie and I went since Gwyn was in school that day.  They were having a contest to see who could bring the most recyclable containers and have no trash…we had absolutely no trash (in the lunches I packed that is, I guess they weren’t counting the trash that I made at home!).  Annie had a good time, and Jacob thought it was great!

 Our little garden is growing…I guess that is what you get when you use child labor to water your plants and keep them growing!  Annie's is growing the least because she picks hers!

 Brian took down the baby swing and replaced it with a monkey bar.  The kids have been having a blast, and this has freed up a swing for Annie who is hilarious when she swings on her little belly, I’ve got to get that on video because she had us rolling!

 Little Annie is a firecracker.  She has been pushing the limits lately, we think maybe it is because we’ve let her be the baby for so much longer than Jacob or Gwyn since when they were each at her age, they both had a year old little sister!  She took a pen with her to time out the other day…here was the result:
 She has also recently used my stamps as stickersL  She got out all of the diapers in the basket upstairs and set them neatly all over the room, she unfolded all of the napkins and tore half of them up, and since she has stopped napping, she has been in some rather bad moods.  She wakes up and says to Gwyn and Jacob, “don’t look at me.”  “Don’t talk to me.”  She also has a hard time going to sleep, and broke into screaming tears when she said that Gwyn looked at her upstairs.  She also got up and went to try to get into Jacob’s bed with him…the kids know, she is not fun to sleep with and they ratted her out, which lead to a huge amount of tears!  She also says, “Sorry Mommy!” and “Sorry Daddy!” right before she is about to get into trouble, it has obviously saved her in the past, but no more…we are bringing the hammer down, ha!

Brian has pretty much finished the bathroom cabinets, they look awesome, and the counter top is so nice!  We are going to paint, get a new light fixture and install the mirror, and then I'll have the finished product pictures, but here is the progress thus far...Brian's custom made cabinets:

 Love this silly little girl!  She had her first birthday party all by herself, that only she was invited too.  She is usually tagging along to Jacob's friends parties or all the kids get invited to friend's, but this one was just for her, and she was super excited to go!
 Love this sweet kid, who is much lighter when carried on my shoulders, I can't believe how big he is getting!
 To help Jacob with his writing and reading, I have started accepting written requests for things.  When he wrote me a note about asking to play on my phone and Brian’s iPad, I let him.  Gwyn caught on really quick, so she asked Jacob to help her write a letter too.  He had her add in that she likes candy and can she please have some.  I love them working together!!

1 comment:

BrendaE said...

Brian has an amazing talent making cabinets. Love, love that bathroom vanity!