Sunday, May 13, 2012

Field Day, Grandpas visit & Mother's Day!

Jacob had his field day on Friday, and I was able to go up and volunteer for the three legged race.  I was just in charge of tying two kids legs together, it was not the funnest job and it was super hot!  Jacob's class wore purple bandannas and they had so much fun.  He was soaked and had a blast.  Afterwards, I apparently signed up for the teacher break as well, which meant I stayed in Jacob's classroom and watched the kids during some free time while his teacher had a 30 minute break.  I'm a hit with the Kindergarten girls and boys...I drew a picture of Darth Vader pitching a baseball to R2D2 on a baseball field...they were all impressed:) 

 It's just not an authentic field day until there is blood!
 Gwyn and Annie are home with me on Tuesdays and Thursdays, so we painted this week.  Annie is now banned from all paints, she always needs more, more, more paint and decided to give herself more after I went to do some laundry.  She's also banned from toothpaste, once we figured out that it was her who was squeezing it all over the counter top, then rubbing her tooth brush in it over and over.  I should make a list of all the things she's banned from, since Brian and I are both banning her from things left and right these days!
 Annie begs to watch the fish and see the birds at Westside after I'm done working out, I love the "awe" look on her face when she tells me which fish she likes the best...she's so cute!
 Here are Jacob's Spring pictures for Kindergarten, I love how they have his name and year on them and he's posing with his scruffy little boy dirty pictures have come along way since we were in school!
Rick and Brian's Grandpa came down for one night, to watch the Cardinals play the Astros and while they were here they got to take Jacob to his playoff baseball game and see him hit two doubles and a triple!  Here are the 4 generations:

 Here is a perfect display of Annie's mood....she didn't quite warm up to Great Grandpa:(
 She does like her Grandpa though!
 And she loves to swim with her floatie...we start swim lessons this next week, Jacob and Gwyn will be taking them together in our pool, but Annie gets one on one instruction by herself...Lord help the swim coach!
 Jacob is my little fish and loves to swim:
 Annie being Annie:
 It seems we all (except Brian who is apparently immune to everything) got a little sick this last week, and this much needed nap by both girls at the same time was needed, and yes, it was Benadryl induced:
 Jacob ready for another playoff game, and in a VERY exciting and nail biting extra inning, they made it to the championship!!
 I took this because it was so funny how it looks like she is trying to run even in her sleep!
 The girls have discovered snow cones at the concession stand!  Gwyn will keep running over to the concession stand giving me updates every few minutes as to when it opens so that they can get one, since we have to get there so early for warm-up it doesn't open until right before game time:
 She's just so stinking cute!

 A great start to the summer...the ice cream man, it is amazing how the kids don't "hear" me when I tell them to do something, but their ears are attuned to the ice cream truck from a mile away!
 Yes, we realize it is the championship of a little league game, but we are serious here!
 I had a very sweet Mother's Day with the kids, and then we met Jason and did a combo lunch for Mother's Day and Jason's birthday this week.  Her are my presents I got from the kids...Jacob made me the card and Gwyn made me the picture frame.  Jacob also got me some orange bath salts that they made at school and he said I get "5 minutes of peace."  I asked if I could get 5 hours of peace and he just kind of looked at me like I was crazy, ha!

Gwyn made this at school, she thinks I'm 21 and she says what I love the most is to hug true!
I had to throw this in there, she fell asleep on me today and she has been snoring since she has had this cold.  I also had to take her in to Target because I left my box of diapers in the bottom of the basket in the parking lot and forgot to put them in the car (I had other bags and had discovered that Annie's diaper had leaked as I was getting everything into the car).  Target ended up giving me another box, which was really nice and told me Happy Mother's Day, I love that store.  Anyway, we were standing in line and I was holding Annie who started snoring and it freaked the lady out in front of us, she thought it was an animal or something in line behind her, ha!

Brian had to work late one night, so I took all the kids up to Westside after school for some jumping, it was really nice because I got to sit and read a book and they all jumped in their individual trampolines:
 I had Gwyn's end of the year conference with her preschool teacher...she's basically the best kid they've ever had, ha!  I was very proud, here is her self portrait, I love that the shoes have a major emphasis...she's a girl alright!
 We love The Very Hungry Caterpillar around here, so when Jacob brought this home from school I had to capture it on here, love that kid!

Funny things the kids said this week:
Annie (to Brian):  Daddy, it's raining on my toes.  (He looks up and she's peeing on her feet, she had taken her diaper off in another room)
Gwyn (after we told her we were going to a fancy place for dinner):  Like when Fancy Nancy went out to dinner??
Gwyn:  When I grow up,  I'm going to get my belly cut open.
Me:  Why do you say that?
Gwyn:  Because that's where my babies come out! (apparently, a friend at school had a new baby sister and had a c-section:)
Jacob after I told him to go feed his frog:  That one is just a bully frog, I don't like him.

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