Wednesday, May 2, 2012

May is here already??

Oh how we are loving this early part of summer, I can't believe May is here already and Jacob will be done with Kindergarten at the end of this month?!?!  I loved this picture of Annie that I got tonight after dinner.  She loves swinging in the swings on her belly, and what could be better than doing that with a fudgescicle??  We've had a fun week, baseball, a gymnastics birthday party (where again, Brian showed off his skills), crepes for breakfast at Jason's, etc.  We are getting close to the end of baseball season.  Jacob had his last official league game last night, and they got serious:
 His team finally won a game!!  Jacob got a single and a double, and is determined to get a home run.  His team will go to the playoffs this weekend, and we found out that Jacob will be one of the 4 boys from his team to play in the all star game, how exciting!!  I know, I'm a braggy mom, but hey, he is AWESOME!
 Loved this moment, Brian coaching third base with Jacob on third:
 Silly Annie who is hard to keep up with and makes watching the game difficult!
 Sweet little Gwyn had a snow cone at the game and was all smiles!
 Jacob has homework each night, and Gwyn begs for homework.  So, I usually make up some homework for her, I thought this was just too sweet, both of them doing their homework together:
 I can't get enough of these sweet little sisters...well, I can some days:)
 Here is our pet lizard for about 3 hours.  Gwyn said, "did we get a pet?"  I said, "Um, no, why?"  She said, "there is a lizard on the table."  She said it like it was no big deal, I kind of freaked, got a glass bowl, and waited for Brian to come home to save us all!
 Jacob loves to climb this tree...I wish we had a really good climbing tree because this crepe myrtle will not be lasting for much longer with this going on everyday:
 Jacob's friend Ben came to spend the night last weekend.  They had a blast.  Baseball, ice cream truck, swimming, more baseball, pizza, cookies, and star wars...Jacob LOVES sleepovers!
 After 5 1/2 years of having kids, we're finally getting organized around here!
 Gwyn's school had Muffins with Moms this morning, she didn't want to sit by me:(  She wanted to sit by Claire.  Her teachers did tell me a funny story about her making this comment when the class troublemaker wasn't in school.  She said, "He's not here, cool!"  They just laughed, apparently she just said out loud what everyone else was thinking!  That poor kid has such a bad reputation in our house, Gwyn gives me a play by play of every toy he took out of some one's hands, everyone that he kicked, how he is on yellow, and the list goes on and on!
 Annie was happy to take part when muffins are involved:
 Just a fair warning...if offered a napkin in my house, decline it.  Go for the paper towels.  Annie has all the napkins out all over the place all the time.  That goes for straws too!
 I was putting laundry away upstairs while the kids were playing and came back to get my basket and I found this little one fake sleeping:)

 I am loving these notes from Jacob  that show up all over the house:

 He loves math, and has me constantly quiz him in the car.
 Again, can you believe a 5 year old boy drew this picture??  He is AWESOME!
 Very important things for boys to know:
Funny things the kids said this week:
Annie (singing in to herself):  Mommy is my best friend, Sissy is my best friend, Jacob is my best friend.
Annie to Jacob:  That's enough, Jacob.
Annie (after she fell at a birthday party and I picked her up while she was crying):  I want Ginny.

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