Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Gwyn's Last Day of Preschool & All-Star Jacob!

Sweet little Gwyn had her last day of preschool last week.  Annie and I went up to watch her in a program, had an end of year class party, and then we went out to Chick Fil A to celebrate with a couple of her friends.  I will spare everyone the shaky video, I had to hold Annie at the same time and that makes videoing very hard, it will pretty much make you sick to watch it, but no worries, I'm sure Gwyn will be more than happy to sing all the songs for whoever would like to listen!

I tried to get a picture of them together, but Annie didn't really want to cooperate, she had her eyes on the popsicles that they just brought out!
Such a sweet little girl!
Her little class:
Jacob will go to school until May 31st...he opted for a faux hawk this week...such a cool kid!
Gwyn came home from her splash day with tattoos everywhere, she loved her tattoo on her forehead:
Annie is still my little ornery one...this was her posing for me...she's still loving those hand me down twinkle toes that don't light up anymore, ha, if she only knew what they used to do!
One trip to the doctor last week...Annie had red blotches all over her.  Turns out it is hives, she's been on benadryl for the past week and they are slowly getting better.  If they last longer than 2 weeks, we'll have to see an allergist.  Our doctor said they rarely figure out what it was, no new foods or change in anything we've been doing, but poor thing has been looking quite terrible lately!
I had to go to the doctor because I was feeling awful, and I came home to nap time, although Jacob is faking, he was the only one awake, but when he saw I was going to take a picture of them all napping he wanted to act like he was asleep...he'll also do this if he wants to be carried to bed, and I always have to do it because I can remember fake sleeping so that my mom and dad would carry me to bed when we lived out at Candlestick!
Looking so cool, I gotta wear shades!  This one is loving all these baseball games...snow cones and ring pops!!
How can you possibly fall asleep on the top corner of an upside down chair???
There must be something seriously wrong with me as a mom, but I had to take this picture of Annie after swim lessons.  This was her second lesson, she did great her first lesson and LOVED it.  This time she did awesome for about half the time, and then all the sudden just refused to stop kicking, stop trying, stop doing anything.  She was mad, but she's just so stinking cute in those goggles!

Jacob's little team the Hooks got 2nd place in their play-off tournament.  His game got rained out, then they started playing a different game and it got rained out after 2 innings (but on the plus side, Gwyn got to see two rainbows on the way home and she claims she's been waiting her whole life to see a rainbow!).  They finally got to finish their game and lost.  They were all pretty excited to get their trophy, those things are like gold around here...Jacob wanted to sleep with his, we compromised on him setting it on his bedside table!
 Here is a video of him getting his trophy:

 Jacob also made the All-Star team, made up of 3-4 players from each of the teams, and they are playing a tournament this week.  His All-Star team is the Astros, and we've won two games, and play in the championship tomorrow...he's pretty excited about being an All-Star. Here is a video of him getting a double and hitting two runs in tonight:

Jacob is continuing to write notes, I've been having him write requests to help him practice writing and spelling.  Skeeters is a little restaurant that has chicken strips that he likes, and they were having a spirit night for his school, so Jacob wrote this to Brian:
Jacob got an extra ticket for how much work he put in on can't read the writing that well since it is written in pencil, but this one says "Crabs crawl in the sand.  Some crabs have shells."
This one says, "Sharks can hurt men.  Sharks are dangerous"...he spelled it danjris, he's definitely sounding the words out!
This one says, "Swordfish have a sword. Swordfish are dajrares." I think that one was dangerous too:
Fish swim.  Fish are scared of sharks.

I had no idea what this one was, but it was pretty cool:
Funny things the kids said this week:
Jacob:  Mommy, come on.
Me:  Hang on Jacob, give me a minute.
Jacob:  But you got your 5 minutes of peace yesterday!
Annie to Jacob:  You the best Jacob in the whole world!
Jacob to Annie:  You're the best Annie in the whole world!
Jacob after Brian almost pulled out in front of someone:  Daddy, you need some driving lessons! (Brian did NOT think that was funny, heee heee!)
Gwyn to Brian:  When I grow up, can I get 5 minutes of peace like Mommy?

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