Saturday, September 29, 2012

Annual interview videos of the kids!

It has been a crazy week.  Jason closed on his house on Wednesday, hooray!  The kids think his new house is just awesome and that of course he had to move from his apartment because he needed stairs.  Gwyn didn't want to go to his new house and I asked her why and she said, "I don't want to get dirt in my shoes."  Typical girl!  I told her they had finished the landscaping so now it was nice and clean.  The kids think it is the best place ever to play hide and seek.  Brian traveled this past week, but made it home just in time to go to Gwyn and Annie's back to school night.  Thankfully, Rick stayed with us a couple of nights when he was down here for work and was able to watch the kids so Brian and I could both go to their school.  Brian went to Annie's class, and I went to Gwyn's class.  We stayed busy with ballet, play dates, soccer practice, back to school night, and Jason officially moved in on Friday.

The kids got their faces painted last weekend at church, Jacob was a pirate, Gwyn was a bunny, and we aren't sure what Annie was?  We realized the last couple soccer games that Jacob was kind of hanging back on defense even though he was playing offense.  We asked him about it, and come to find out he was able to block 3 free kicks (they make up their own rules on the playground) from a really good player at recess and the kids told him he was the best defensive player ever, so he really thought that is what he needed to play.  Too funny, we encouraged him to get up there and go after the ball and he scored a goal!
 Sweet little Gwyn.  She was playing Life and landed on the spot where you can trade salary cards with any other player.  She had the highest salary card, and she looked around at how much money everyone had and decided to give her card to Brian and switch with him because he was losing, didn't have much money and had the lowest salary card.  Can you believe a 4 year old did that??  She has such a good heart!!  She loves her ballet class and will demonstrate what she knows to anyone who wants to watch!
 Loved this picture Gwyn drew of bugs in a jar that we saw at her back to school night this week...she made her big brother proud by drawing those awesome bugs!
Annie's hands, have to document them here since I noticed the other day that I had missed putting them in her baby book when she turned 1..I'm sure this will make up for that!

Here are the videos of the interviews of the kids...I like to do this once/year or so.  It is fun to see their responses and how they act:

Funny things the kids said this week:

Me to the kids as we take off running to the car after church:  Last one to the car is a rotten egg.
Jacob:  Gwyn is a rotten egg!
Gwyn:  No, I'm not, I'm a beautiful egg!
Me to Annie:  What is in your mouth? (I had to ask several times as she had a guilty look on her face and I thought it must be a little Lego piece)
Annie:  A booger.
Jacob after his last soccer game:  We only scored one goal during the first half the sun was really in our eyes, I needed some sun glasses.
Me:  It didn't seem to bother the other team during the second half when the sun was in their eyes.
Jacob:  They must have really good eyesight.
Me:  Yes, I'm sure that is what it was.

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