Monday, October 22, 2012

Annie is 3...where has the time gone?!?!

I can't believe our little Annie Jaye is 3!  How fun it was to see her so excited about her birthday.  It was also fun to have her birthday party on the same day as her birthday.  The girl got to blow out three different sets of candles.  Here she is starting off the celebration with candles on her pumpkin muffin for breakfast...she didn't look too impressed with that pumpkin muffin (probably because Jacob said, "we usually get donuts!")...
She decided to blow them out anyway:
Rick and Sue were in town for the birthday celebration, she fell asleep on the drive out to her gymnastics party while holding on to her new little puppy she got from our neighbors, she's so stinking cute when she is sleeping!
My friend Kate and I decided to do a joint birthday party for Claire and Annie who are both in the Ladybug class at school together...what an awesome idea...we split the cost and invited the whole ladybug class...the girls had a blast and loved it!

I didn't get many pictures of Annie  because she was constantly on the move with a big smile on her face as you can see from this picture:
She loved being with her Daddy!
Waiting in line to jump into the pit:
Her birthday party:
Annie and sweet Claire
Birthday girls with their cookie cake:
Blowing out some candles:
Here are a couple of videos from the party:

Brian of course did not disappoint and made Annie her requested Peppa Pig cake...she is bouncing in "muddy puddles" which she usually does on her show:
A picture of the real Peppa...Brian did an awesome job!!
So excited about her cake!
A rare family picture, and of course Jacob is doing a goofy face and Gwyn isn't looking at the camera,  but hey, we're all in it!!

Here is one more video of us singing to her, I just love her smile and her laugh...we are so lucky to get to have this sweet little girl!

On Friday it was the Fall Festival at Jacob's school.  It is a huge fundraiser for them, and I decided to step it up.  Things like being valedictorian and Udall scholar don't do much to impress the kids, especially when I'm married to the cake-decorating-high-dive-flipper-furniture-builder-trampoline-trickster-pumpkin-carving-chewbacca-wookie-talking phenom known as Brian.  So, here is my Perry the platypus (from Phineas and Ferb - our favorite cartoon) pumpkin that I decorated for a contest at Jacob's did win Silliest (which I was quite proud of until I realized that pretty much EVERY pumpkin that entered won something!).  It did do one thing...impress my kids and that was what I was going for!
The back, showing the tail:
Here is the actual picture of Perry:

I also, yes, I made the owl cupcakes for the cake walk for the festival as well, and yes, they were a hit and one of the first items to be picked...yes, I brought it this year, but as Emily reminded me, I've also set the bar high in future years to do the same...I didn't think about that until after, ha!
A couple of more pictures from the Fall Festival...Jacob got to have his first carmel apple, which he has been wanting for a very long time, and always asks when there aren't any around:
Sweet little Gwyn, gotta love her selection of chocolate yogurt with sour gummy worms, yuck!
This one barely came up for air while having her yogurt with sprinkles!
The festival also had raffle items, Jacob tried hard to win a giant blow up cat for our yard and a live hamster...thank the Lord we didn't end up with either of those, although the ipad would have been nice!  We did unfortunately win 3 live goldfish...all of which didn't even make it to the next morning...we made sure they were fully acclimated to the water in a big bowl and forgot to make sure they got enough another "pet" bites the dust in our house!  We finished a busy week with the Fall Festival, soccer (Jacob's scored two hat tricks in a row the last two games!), ballet, Annie's birthday, and dentist appointments...whew....oh, and it is Monday, so we're ready for another crazy week!!  We are loving life!

Funny things the kids said this week:
Gwyn:  What time is it?
Me:  10 am, why?
Gwyn:  Just wondering if Chick Fil A is still selling hash browns.
Me to Annie:  What are you doing?
Annie:  I'm doing Facetime.
Annie:  I like chocolate milk, it is yummy in my tummy.

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