Sunday, October 14, 2012

Daddy/Daughter Date Night & Tiger Cub Scouts

These kiddos are so much fun...I find myself laughing out loud at something they say or do every single day.  What a blessing they are!  Brian took the girls on a Daddy/Daughter date night to Brio while I took Jacob to a birthday party...they were excited to go!
We've had another fun-filled, busy, non-stop week.  Ballet, dentist appointment where we learned that Jacob had a pretty bad chipped tooth (how I didn't notice that, I don't know!), soccer practice, soccer game (Jacob scored 3 goals!), birthday parties, and we finished out the week by watching OSU beat Kansas with Brad, Erika and Maddy...they are pregnant with a little boy due in February, so we are super excited for them!  Jacob thought it was so funny to act like he was cheering for Kansas, he was way outnumbered!    He is such a little jokster!  He told me it was opposite day the other day...I told him I said that when I was in elementary, he looked at me like I was crazy, like he invented it:)

Gwyn and Annie got their pictures taken at school...if I would have known they were going to do a sibling picture, I may have coordinated their outfits instead of dressing them in clashing patterns, but oh well...of course our little Annie refused to smile:

We also got word from some people that have a daughter in the same Sunday school class as Annie about how much their daughter loves Annie, and she's even named her stuffed animals Annie...I thought, really, our little stubborn Annie??  Apparently, she's a hit!
Jacob went on his first little Tiger Cub Scout field trip to the police station where they got to take a tour, check out the patrol car, and see the jail.  He came home and told me about how you only get a corn dog and a cup of juice every 4 hours...he didn't seem to think that was too bad, ha!

Jacob thought it was really funny to scare me to death when I walked back into the house from grilling chicken.  He screamed at me and I just about wet my pants and screamed.  I told him about paybacks, and how now, he's in for it.  I let a couple of days pass, then I scared him to death in the shower.  He's now on the prowl for his paybacks....he's so funny!

A few pics of artwork this week:

Funny things the kids said:

My friend Julie to Annie:  What do you want for your birthday?
Annie:  Cake.  (She also told my mom she wanted a present...that's about all she's given us)
I overhear Jacob telling Gwyn:  You know he's from Japanese don't you? (talking about a little boy in his class)
Gwyn:  No.
Jacob:  Yes, you don't know he's from Japanese??  (seriously, little sisters believe everything their brother says to them...even if it is wrong!)
Jacob:  Mommy, will you please punch me in the face?
Me:  No, why??
Jacob:  I really want to lose this tooth. (Maddy told him she got $5 / tooth, thank for that Mulsows!!)
Gwyn to Jacob:  When you grow up you're going to  be an old grandpa!
Jacob to Gwyn:  Well, when you grow up you're going to be an old grandma!  (Gwyn dies laughing!!)

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