Sunday, November 11, 2012

1st AND 2nd Visits from the Tooth Fairy!!

It has been one exciting week around here.  Jacob lost his first tooth on Wednesday and his second tooth on Thursday.  I had told him Wednesday morning we were going to pack a whole apple in his lunch because we were determined to work that tooth out of there, and sure enough it came out at lunch that day!  He was so excited, his teacher gave him this little green box to keep his tooth in.  I was walking out to the bus stop, and checked my email and his teacher had sent me a note that he had lost a tooth at lunch, so I had my video camera on my phone ready when he got off the bus.  I just wish I would have started the video earlier because when the bus pulled around the corner he was standing, ready to get off, you could just tell he was itching to spread the news.  It was so cute.

With Brian being gone all week, I was out of $1s so the tooth fairy left a $5 bill.  Jacob wrote the tooth fairy a note, saying, "can I have a wii please."  I tried to tell him that was little ambitious for the tooth fairy, and reminded him about how we read that book about how little she is and that she can't carry much.  When he came downstairs Thursday morning, he was excited about the $5, but said that he probably should have left his light on because she wouldn't have been able to see the note and thought it was trash or something.  Yes, that is probably why you didn't get a wii, ha!
The next day, I got another note from his teacher that he lost his 2nd tooth at lunch.  Apparently, he put it in a ziploc from his lunch and then accidentally threw it away.  A VERY sweet teacher (who I must do something very nice for!!) dug it out of the trash for him.  She said she couldn't look at his face with at least trying and luckily it was near the top!  Jacob is likes having both his bottom teeth gone, he says a straw fits right in there and so it is working out great for him, ha!

I had a very rough week, with the time change the kids were up every single morning at 5 am something.  I was exhausted and ended up getting sick yesterday.  I think it just all caught up to me, and I am VERY glad that Brian is home!  I did enjoy letting each of the kids sleep with me at night, they are so sweet when they are asleep, ha!  I did solve about a month long mystery of Jacob and Gwyn saying that their tooth brushes didn't have any tooth paste on them, when I knew that I had pasted them all.  I saw Annie picking every one's tooth brush up and sucking off the tooth paste, and then brushing her teeth with her own.  The little stinker was eating everyone elses toothpaste, apparently it tasted too good!  I'll have to switch to the "spicy" stuff!

Here is a video of Jacob reading...he's doing so well, it is so fun to hear him, especially now that he can read things on TV/at the store/etc!

Jacob finished out his soccer season on Saturday.  It was a great group of kids, everyone improved tremendously, and they all had a great time.  Next up, basketball and we've already signed up for that!

I can't believe Thanksgiving will be next week.  I'm starting to realize just how fast this year is going by, and next year Gwyn will be in Kindergarten and gone all day just like Jacob.  I do love having Tuesdays and Thursdays with both girls, and I'm trying to take advantage of that and spending some quality time with them.  They both love playing games and swinging, so that is what we did all day on Thursday!

I took all three kids to the doctor on Friday, they all had their flu shots and Annie had her 3 yr old check up and Jacob had his 6 yr old check up (I'm a little late, I know!).  Jacob and Annie both got to have the flu mist, but Gwyn had to get an actual shot because of her issues with breathing/lungs when she gets sick.  Poor thing lined up right after Jacob and Annie had theirs and the nurse asked her if she wanted it in the arm or the leg.  She said, "want what?"  Poor thing was so confused, she didn't realize she was getting a shot.  She was a trooper though and shockingly didn't cry!  Annie weighed in at 29# and 37" (30th percentile - she is still our runt!), Gwyn was 39# 43" and Jacob was 50# and 47 3/4"...almost 4' (60th percentile). Annie did great on her vision test, and Jacob did great on his vision and hearing test.  I know at least one of them is going to get my bad eyesight, hopefully we're still a  few years from that!

The weather here in Houston is seems kind of wrong that we can wear tank tops and flip flops still...I just love that we live close enough that I can walk up with the girls and pick Jacob up from school on these nice days:
Here are some pictures of artwork the kids brought home.

Gwyn loves to do homework when Jacob is doing homework, I thought this was funny that you can barely tell the difference in mine and Gwyn's handwriting!
I loved Jacob's sentences for his spelling words, he wrote:  "I like to swim and swing in the summer.  Our pool gets scum some times.  My mom and dad think they are cool.  My dad tells cats to scat." ha!
 Another 100 on his spelling test!
 These are the books the kids came home with from is pretty easy to guess who picked out which book!

Gwyn has invented carpool aerobics while waiting in line for drop off at preschool:

Funny things the kids said this week:
Jacob:  I'm going to be president when I grow up.  You just have to be 35 and born in the united states.  Daddy, you are 35, you can be president.  Wait..were you born in the united states?  (Brian says yes) Then ya, you can be it Daddy.  Mommy, girls can be president, but you can't.  You aren't 35.  (yep, that's why!)
Jacob:  It is Mitt Romney vs Barack Obama.  (after he finds out who wins)  When do they play again?  (I think he thought it was some type of game/competition!)
Annie:  She has beautiful lipstick on (talking about one of her dolls)

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