Sunday, November 4, 2012

Rapunzel, a Ghost and Aurora (Sleeping Beauty)

 Oh what a fun Halloween we had here!  The kids have been counting down, and we really lucked out this year as Jacob wanted to be a ghost, Annie wanted to be Rapunzel (which Gwyn was last year, so we already had that costume), and Gwyn wanted to be Aurora (Sleeping Beauty, and we already had that dress-up costume).  Annie did request Rapunzel's hair at the last minute, and I couldn't find it.  The night was great, we started at a friend's house for dinner and playtime and then hit the streets.  We had about 9 kids in our group and Annie lasted with the best of them!  Here's my ghost:
 Sleeping Beauty:

 Jacob really wanted to go to his teacher's house.  I told him I didn't know where she lived.  He just said, "Just look at a map."
 Here's part of the crew:
 Annie enjoyed some witch's brew...Hawaiian punch with dry ice:
 Collecting their loot:
 Brian's pumpkins:
 The girls and I surprised Jacob for lunch this week, we brought him Smashburger and here he is acting like a goof ball:
 Which lead to these two acting like goof balls:
 Jacob had his last official league soccer game on Saturday...we have one tournament on Saturday where we will play as little as 1, as much as 3 games to finish the season:

 Gwyn loves her rainbows!
 I love some of the stuff Jacob brings home.  I like that he put one source of sound was his mouth "mawth."
 He still loves to make books.  This one says let's have a racse.
 Daylan is coming up!  Jacob goese fastr!
 The rase is to day. Jacob is wening.
 Jacob and I were writing notes back and forth.  Yes, it is hard to tell the difference between our handwriting!
Funny things the kids said this week:
Annie (after Halloween, in the saddest possible voice):  It's over.
Annie (who is VERY dramatic these days):  I lost my puppy forever (when she couldn't find her puppy).
Me to Jacob:  Look at your fingernails, go wash your hands. (every single finger had black dirt under the nail)
Annie:  It is going to get on my beard (talking about spilling juice on herself)
Me to Annie:  You're my baby girl, you'll be a big girl when you are potty trained.
Annie:  I'm never going to be a big girl (all upset).
Me to Jacob:  Look at your fingernails.  Go wash them. (every single one had black dirt underneath)
Jacob:  I like them like that.

We were at a neighborhood party and the boys were playing shirts and skins football near the bayou.  All the boys had their t-shirts tucked into the back of their pants so they were hanging out like tails.  Gwyn took one look and decided she was going to be just like her brother, and the next thing we see is Gwyn running around with her shirt off and it tucked into the back of her pants.  It was so cute, but I did tell her to put her shirt back on:)

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