Both kids got their flu shots this week, Gwyn's was the actual shot and Jacob's was the flu mist in the nose, which was awful. He thought they were going to clean his ears out like they did last time and was horrified when they came in and got close to his head. We had to physically restrain him to put it in his nose, it was traumatizing! Supposedly they are going to have the swine flu vaccine available in October, but we're covered for now!
Other than that, we played with friends this week, had lunch with Brian a couple of times, met Jacob's teacher, and did our usual routine of errands and staying busy in this hot heat! Rick was down for a night, the kids love to play with him when he is here and he's coming again next week too!
Here is Jacob in his new Batman shirt that his Nana and Papa got him for going back to school clothes in a couple of weeks, which is his favorite now, he goes and looks for it even if he wore it the day before:
Here is Gwyn posing because Jacob did:
This was a little unsetteling...hopefully the snake was on the way out of our house and not on the way in!
Swiper is in his room (Swiper is a fox on Dora the Explorer, one of his "quiet time" tv shows)
There is a rat in there that is going to get him
It is too dark in his room
It is too bright in his room
He needs to be tucked in (after this has already happened a few times)
He needs to potty (for the 4th time)
He needs a drink of water
He needs some crackers
His pillow is too cold
His pillow isn't cold enough
He is sad
He doesn't need to go to sleep
Can't find baby red George (a mini Curious George monkey)
His covers need fixed (he's thrown them on the floor)
There is a dog outside
You now have me terrified that snake may have made it's way across the street. Seriously!
And Carter has his bedtime objections as well - his lion trash can must be moved every day so it isn't in his sightline and the stuffed crocodile must take a nap in the closet.
That snake!!!! It's huge!! Jacob could use that as an excuse and that'd be a good one. Wow!
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