Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Summertime, Summertime, Sum-sum-summertime!

Summer has officially begun at our house.  We've been busy with pool time, playdates, more pool time, splash days and just in general having fun!  I've included a few various pictures from the last week or so.  The kids are loving our pool and we've been wearing them out in it after dinner on the weekdays and on the weekends.  The kids start their swim lessons next week, and we are hoping that Jacob picks it up quickly because he really wants to swim "out in the middle."  Brian told him he could pick out whatever pool toy he wanted when he learned to swim, and he's got his eyes set on a watergun...great!  Here are the kids at a recent pool playdate:
The kids in dress up, yes, Gwyn is still in her squinty smile phase:
Brian has been busy on his endless "honey do" list here at the house, he and Jacob put up Jacob's new ceiling fan last Saturday, he installed a new toiletseat, a new doorbell, hooks around the house, hung up the remaining pictures, fixing the fridge water valve, putting the swingset  back together, etc.  I've been busy keeping our days somewhat organized and fun-filled.  The kids keep asking, "who is coming over next" as soon as someone leaves, and "what is next" as soon as they get tired of something we are doing.  It has been nice they are both liking to draw, and Jacob likes to work on his letters.  I will say my quality of life has improved dramatically with my new washer and dryer that does almost double the loads I used to do and in twice the, if only they made one that came with a folder, or better yet, someone to actually put away all the cleaned and folded laundry!  Ha!  I no longer have any daytime sitter that helped me out so that I could work a few hours for Jason's consulting company a week, moved back to Chicago, and my babysitter from church just left for a church camp and then off to Texas A&M, so boo!  Somehow, I've still managed the post office, grocery store, watch repair place, eye doctor, and of course, Target with all 3 kids.  That is seriously an accomplishment!  Oh, and to top off my list of daily "to dos" Brian lost his credit card and someone tried to use it 3 times at different gas stations, so thankfully they put a hold on the charges for fraud alert...he didn't even notice it was missing until I told him we got a fraud alert notice!

Annie the official crawler will not do it for the camera.  Here is the video I got of her NOT crawling, she apparently thought it was hilarious to take off anytime I didn't have the camera going and immediately stop and sit there and laugh whenever I got the camera out...I'll get her within the next week or so!
Gwyn is still famous for her made up songs and singing.  Her latest goes "don't be mean...don't be mean...don't be mean to nice to us."  She also sings "Jacob's got a scooter, I've got a scooter, Carter has a scooter, Cole doesn't have a scooter, Annie doesn't have a scooter."  It is hilarious, she just has the sweetest little voice.  I did have to take her to the urgent care center about 7 am on Memorial Day, she woke up screaming her little eyes were glued shut, and she ended up having pink eye which has cleared up pretty quickly.  Poor thing also has a little cold this week that she, Jacob, and myself picked up (possibly from Annie, who just got over it), and we've had to start breathing treatments again.  I'm just praying that she doesn't end up having asthma in the long run, it just seems anytime she catches any time of a little bug it goes straight to her lungs and her breathing gets very labored. 

Jacob is growing up, and is such a helper.  Yesterday, he cleaned up his whole closet and his whole tool bench without me asking.  He was so proud of himself, when I told him how happy that made me, and how proud I was of him.  He then told me he needed help with the rest of his room, so we cleaned it together.  I'm finding he really responds when he tell him how good he does at something, he's such a sweet boy, and yes, he has his moments with Gwyn and Annie, but he does love them and loves to play with them.  If this is any indication of how much fun he is having, here he is at dinner trying to eat his pizza, so he can ear a popscicle after dinner, but he just can barely stay awake.  It is hilarious that Gwyn tries to act asleep like him!

Funny things the kids said this week:

City-boy Jacob:  We live in the forrest!
Gwyn:  I'm going to strawberry bucks with Daddy.  (That is Starbucks, and it is their thing they do together.)
Gwyn to Brian when he picked out her clothes:  Hey, this not match!
Jacob quoting Wubbsy:  You're a genius!  Ah, shucks!
Gwyn asking Brian to let Jacob go with them to Strawberry Bucks:  Jacob can come?  He is our friend.
Jacob:  We need to go on a picnic and eat our food out of a basket on the grass.

1 comment:

BrendaE said...

Phoebe, your kids are hilarious!! This post had me rolling, particularly their comments at the end. So impressed Jacob cleaned up his closet without being asked! Wow that would be a huge thing at Kelly's house!